
"One Earth - One Passion"

17:00 Uhr

YouTube Livestream

U.S. and German National Park Rangers Share Their Story

In the 1870s, visionary Americans set out to place areas of great natural beauty, geological uniqueness, ecological diversity, and recreational potential under protection as national parks. Germany followed suit in the 1970s.

Today, the United States is home to 63 officially designated "National Parks" - mountains, deserts, forests, wetlands, tundras, and tropical reefs. Prior to the Covid pandemic, the entire U.S. National Park System dew more than 300 million visitors per day. Germany features 16 designated "National Parks" - from the Wadden Sea in the North to the Alpine Mountains in the South, and from the mountain ranges in the West to the Lower Oder Valley in the East.

As different as these national park systems may seem, they have something in common: On both sides of the Atlantic, park rangers are entrusted with protecting and preserving these parklands. Rangers are people of all backgrounds, ages, genders, faiths, and ethnicities united in their passion for preserving nature and combatting climate change for future generations.

Join us for the world premiere of One Earth - One Passion, a short film produced by Alana DeJoseph featuring rangers in the United States and Germany joining forces on the occasion of Earth Day.


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